Library package Trademark of License
Antlr Terence Parr  (BSD) Antlr-License
Apache Abdera Apache Software Foundation Apache License 2.0
Apache Axis Apache Software Foundation Apache License 2.0
Apache Ant Apache Software Foundation Apache License 2.0
Apache XmlGraphics Commons Apache Software Foundation Apache License 2.0
Apache Axiom Apache Software Foundation Apache License 2.0
Apache Batik Apache Software Foundation Apache License 2.0
Apache Commons Apache Software Foundation Apache License 2.0
Apache Derby Apache Software Foundation Apache License 2.0
Apache Tika Apache Software Foundation Apache License 2.0
Apache Geronimo Apache Software Foundation Apache License 2.0
Apache HttpComponents Apache Software Foundation Apache License 2.0
Apache Lucene Apache Software Foundation Apache License 2.0
Apache Jackrabbit Apache Software Foundation Apache License 2.0
Apache Jakarta Oro Apache Software Foundation Apache License 2.0
Apache Tomcat Apache Software Foundation Apache License 2.0
Apache Jakarta Apache Software Foundation Apache License 2.0
Apache Log4j Apache Software Foundation Apache License 2.0
Apache Neethi Apache Software Foundation Apache License 2.0
Apache Xalan Apache Software Foundation Apache License 2.0
Apach Xerces Apache Software Foundation Apache License 2.0
Castor Intalio Inc Apache License 2.0
Jackson FasterXML, LLC Apache License 2.0
Jettison Envoi Solutions LLC Apache License 2.0
DHTMLX Suite Dinamenta, UAB DHTMLX Enterprise
Dom4j MetaStuff, Ltd DOM4J BSD License
Aspectj Xerox Corporation Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
Eclipse Runtime Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
Jason Pell's multipartrequest library Jason Pell GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1
Jaxen Jaxen Apache License 2.0
Jboss Hibernate Jboss, Inc GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1
Jboss Hibernate Search Jboss, Inc GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1
Jboss Cache Jboss, Inc GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1
JSON GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1
C3PO Machinery For Change, Inc GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1
JavaBeans Activation Framework Sun Microsystems Inc. Sun JavaBeans Activation Framework 1.1 License for non-redistributables
Simple Logging Facade for Java (MIT) Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) License
Jug asl Safehaus Apache License 2.0
Prototype Sam Stephenson (MIT) Prototype License
Cron4j Sauron software GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1
Jibx SourceForge (BSD) Jibx License
Spring SpringSource Apache License 2.0
Groovy SpringSource Apache License 2.0
Java Beans Sun Microsystems Inc. Java
Java Architecture for XML Binding Sun Microsystems Inc. COMMON DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION LICENSE (CDDL) Version 1.0
Java Secure Socket Extension Sun Microsystems Inc. Sun Binary Code License Agreement
Java Message Service Sun Microsystems Inc. Sun Binary Code License Agreement
Java Transactions API Sun Microsystems Inc. License for Java Transaction API
CGLib SourceForge Apache License 1.1
glazedlists GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1